Mabye i die mabye i don't...

so i was playing fucking video games and then the TV exploded and it turned night and spongebob came and slapped meh and said YOU WILL BE DEAD AT 666:666!!!!!!!! and i said FUCK YOU!!!!!!!
i punched spongebob in the dick and ate him for breakfast this morning and i turned blue and vomited a cupcake even doe i no like them!!!!!!!!
i looked at the clock and it was 666:666 o clock and i was like FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU-
and santa clause fell off duh roof and i jumped on him yelling SANTA YOU DUMB ASS ITS SUMMER!!!!!!
santa then slapped meh and evil patrixx ate santa whole and chased meh for 768576459857672965762gt58t7yutyiuyuyuty68588756 years and seconds
and i ran and tripped and patrixx ate meh whole.
and a skeleton popped out of a carboard box
now i'm in hell watching spongebob and friends